
Description Messenger APK MOD

Messenger is a typical many in one texting application which additionally allows sharing of pictures and videos, making call through sound or video. Sometimes, the users can manually add the recipients and even send the texts as well. At the same time you can converse as many as friends. This is because when in a conversation with multiple friends, the speech bubbles appear on your device. That way, you are able to choose and send text to individual at a time.

However  is an official Facebook app and you can only chat with your Facebook friends and has turned into an entirely separate messaging app. However, if you agree to the scanning of your contact list through the app, it will display as well as pull all your contacts into the application. So, apart from the phone contacts you can use your application for communication with your friends in the social network Facebook. Like Whats App, you can assemble friends or family you can talk to whenever you want to. You also can send documents in chat, for example, from audio message to picture, to emoticon.

The most eye-catching feature of this type of application is the variety of stickers that can be employed to convey the interlocutor’s feelings. A unique aspect that I found within this app is, when you delete the particular app; it still retains the messages and when you download it once more then you can proceed with the conversation.

The small ads may occasionally be found on the home screen of messengers. I think all the current day messaging apps are nearly similar in the features they offer and it all comes down to the popularity of the specific app’s user base and what they prefer. For Facebook as a company it doesn’t really matter since they own all of the current trend social apps like Whats App and Instagram.

Facebook Messenger 2019 Updates

It has tagged the app with the latest updates and features to keep the audience interested on Facebook. Facebook Messenger 2019 update is a development on the Facebook Messenger. They are numerous new bug fixes in addition to new features.

Sub: Messenger update: One of them is the dark mode. In other words, it means that all process is take place in the form of messaging app with black interface. The one specific benefit I can think of is, there’s less strain when using the notebook for extended periods. Currently there is a small dark theme roll out being advertised in Messenger. However, you can install the Messenger APK to participate in the application.

How to enable the dark mode after the update?

  1. Launch Messenger and by navigating to Chats on the toolbar below, you’ll get to see the list.
  2. end the crescent moon emoji ? to the contact.
  3. A shower of crescents moons pours down after that. Over it there will be a notification stating that you can turn on the dark mode from the settings section on your Messenger profile.
  4. A new feature allows you to remove everyone’s messages.

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