Tank Warfare APK MOD v1.1.13

Description Tank Warfare APK MOD

Having a look at Tank Warfare you will be certainly stunned by your first steps in driving tanks and thrashing your enemies in the circumstances of forceful battles. And sometimes, one has to walk very slowly and know the right posture required to establish a shooting angle. However, each shot is taken after preparation time and the amount of damage of the shot can be boosted.


The audience will fight with tanks from different countries during tank battles. The goal of the game is very simple: The enemies that are displayed in front of you should be killed while assisting your allies to complete every level. You also have support items during the game which are aim to kill as many enemies as many as you can see So these should be good exp.Tank Warfare

Beginning the level features the control of the tank, which does not really sound challenging as it actually is. It has a joystick button for the free moving of the tank and a firing button which assists you to demolish your enemies by firing strong bullets. Shooting is also done to locate an enemy within an area if the enemy is beyond the range of the aiming. However, adversary can be located anywhere so be cautious while moving.Tank Warfare


One more intriguing feature of completing the Tank Warfare levels is to locate the nearest objects. These targets are presented in the easily available Heads-up-display and their health bar can be easily seen in front of you. Hence, you have to watch your step and decide your strategy on how to approach the issue. Of course, the weapon to use is a tank not his FPS gun, so be careful.

When you normally aim at the enemy you will see a line close to the cross hair and the line changes from green to red. It also shows that the tank’s ammunition is being reloaded and we will have to wait a few more frames for the next shot. Thus, after successfully eliminating an opponent, a player has to track it, stay away from the target and eliminate it so as to gain points to belong to the team.

The goal of each level is very simple: This is perhaps why when you and your teammates enter the match, it is on an era countdown, a never ending countdown. At the same time each team increases the number of kill points of players, and the team which will have more points – is the winner. Of course, this is something which is easier said than done. Every tank’s damage is great and occasionally the player can obtain items that improve his position, for example, restoring HPs.


What one finds quite fascinating when playing levels in Tank Warfare is the extremely high probability of getting some chests with the rewards. In each of the chests on the outside it is possible to use them as a material in the game and the supports, which can cause effects. In particular, you can increase the rate of tank restoration, or install powerful armor that is not deteriorated for 10 seconds. Before you go to the game screen, you will have to select wisely.

One point that will definitely captivate you is that it is now optimized for a more beautiful and powerful tank. You can paint the exterior of your tank a different colour and even add symbols to the exterior of your tank. On the same note, that is the area that can be updated as indicated by the red exclamation mark icon as shown below. This requires a lot of money to be done appropriately or reach it optimal goal. W ith this it is advisable to upgrade to have the new powers of your tank after ward.

It will be vivid free-for-all tank battles that wrap players and the viewers in themselves.

  • Players move around in tanks, and kill enemies in order to raise the score for their team and beat levels alongside other teammates.
  • How to control a tank is easily explained to many, which means that this vehicle has to be maneuvered slowly and the powerful shots have to be dealt accurately.
  • On the map you see enemies you won’t mind killing and there is an option on the HUD to choose a target according to the remaining health of the enemy.
  • The number of rewards is also completely random and instead of rewards, players will be receiving items out of chests at times.
  • Some items help the player for some time and change the look of the tank to increase damage.

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